Tidak Hanya Kisah Romantis, Horornya Negara Ini Gak Kalah Seram Loh, 25 Rekomendasi Film Horror Korea
30-12-2023 /
21:40 WIB
- Whispering Corridors 6: The Humming
- Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum
- Rampant
- Death Bell
- The Wailing
- The Call
- The Closet
- The Mimic
- Warning: Do Not Play
- Sleep
- Methamorphosis
- The Divine Fury
- The Grotesque Mansion
- The 8th Night
- Strangers From Hell
- The Silenced
- The Rursed
- Kingdom
- The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim
- Monstrous
- Bedeviled
- A Tale Of Two Sisters
- I Saw The Devil
- Phone
- The Ghost Station. ***
Nursika Vendilasari